Fairy Halloween Party

The fairies have a new hangout.  Since it is fall, I carved a pumpkin just for them.


They love all our human traditions for decorating and celebrating.

They like trick-or-treating

and bobbing for crabapples

and roasting marshmallows.


Blow that out PI!

Never trust a fairy with fire.

They spend most evenings together inside that pumpkin.

Oh, look.   They are in there now.   Let’s take a peek inside.

Looks like a Halloween party.


What’s this girls?   Gambling?


and alcohol?


Et tu Tink?  Wait ’til Disney hears about this.

I should have known when I saw Wingrid’s new bottle tree.


How old are fairies anyway?

FLOW is always the last to know.



Daddy and the Big Planes

It’s been a big week for my daddy.

You have seen posts of him with his little model planes.


This week he went to see some real World War II planes.

He looked rather tiny rolling around under these giant aircraft.


The Collins Foundation brought their ‘Wings of Freedom Tour ‘ to Statesville’s  Airport.


There was a B-25 Mitchell named the TonDeLayo.



Also a B-17 Flying Fortress, the Nine-O-Nine.



Daddy’s favorite was the B-24J -Liberator called Witchcraft.



We got to see some lucky folks take rides in a P-51 Mustang.


Daddy enjoyed talking with one of the pilots about the different motors used in the P-51.


He also met a Vietnam veteran whose dad, Roy E. Guy,  was shot down in Germany.



Mama was a good sport  during the event, as usual, despite being cold.

My sister was Daddy’s wingman,  rolling him wherever he pointed.

I, of course, was the reporter, photographer and spy.


He claims that last year’s Liberator is his last model plane.


I hope this is not true. My daddy just loves planes. He was like a kid in a toy store.


I must include this cute little dog, who waited patiently while his daddy got up in a plane for a photo.



Saving My Passions

Saving my Passions involves some risky behavior.

Passion vine hybrid

I must climb a ladder with scissors in my hand.  Twice.


The first trim occurs back in early fall.  I cut off the side shoots.

I then streamline the vines down to three or four main stems.

The first trim prevents the vines from getting shocked all at once and makes the second trim easier.

Then I climb back up again, about a month later, to cut them down from the trellises.

I usually leave about one third of the plant in place.

I wrap this lower portion into a wreath-like ring and secure it to a short trellis in the pot.

I use garland hooks from craft stores to hold vines onto the trellis. These can be moved and removed easily.

I then wheel my potted vines into my sunny workshop to spend the winter with all my other precious plants.

It’s a jungle in there!

The trimmed pieces may be cut up into cuttings to produce new Passion vine plants for my friends.

Passion vines cuttings. Red Passion has bigger leaves that are hairy and bronzed.

I keep a request list.  Newly rooted plants will be given away in the spring.

The bunnies helped out by hiding under the Turk’s Cap plant.


They know mama on a ladder with scissors is something to be afraid of.


You Go On Ahead

If you walk in the woods with me, plan on walking alone.

While you are getting your heart rate up, I will be bending down to examine red berries.


You will jump over this log, but I will stop to admire a fungi castle on top, among a forest of moss.


You will be looking strait ahead , but I will look down to watch a woolly worm wiggle across my path.


You will quickly round this curve in the trail,  I will pause to wave at a big old rock that is smiling at me.


You will loudly stroll by these stones, but I know a troll lives here, so I will I tiptoe past quietly.


You will avoid muddy spots , but I  will closely to examine them for prints of the claws of my other friends.


When you see this tree, you will frown at this hole in the trunk,

but I will smile because I know that it is a door to a fairy’s home.


So you go on ahead,

I will be behind you


enjoying all the wonders that you missed as you hurried past.

FLOW (Moseying through the Mountains)

Embracing Change

This is the first fall that I have accepted the change in season

without the usual waves of melancholy that follow.

I am ready for a change.


I will finishing up two long term projects in the coming months.

When these are completed, I will be moving on to a new challenge.


Let the chips fall where they may as the leaves fall in the coming days.

It may be maturity or tiredness.  No matter.


I am ready.

Bring it.




Sierra Nevada Brewery near Asheville

We stopped be this lovely establishment, the Sierra Nevada Brewery,


as we passed through the mountains yesterday evening.

We did not have the time to take a guided tour and do a tasting.


We did enjoy strolling through the upstairs and looking down on the huge vats


and peering through windows at the bottling machinery.


There were lovely gardens with many annuals and vegetables.



There were even some hops vines growing up on trellises.

I had no idea hops had such a nutty aroma.

It was a nice break in our journey.


If you find yourself passing through the North Carolina mountains,

you may want to drop by for a meal and maybe a drink.


Coffee Cups Cause Trouble Again

I featured this particular elephant ear last year.

At that time it was planted beside one of the fish ponds.

I was thrilled with its placement until its cupped leaves filled up with

caterpillar poop from the oaks above.

Thus the post entitled “Coffee Cups Caterpillar Crapper.


Later in the season, the leaves filled up with tiny acorns, then falling leaves.

I considered the oak tree above to be the issue,

so this year I moved it to the front of the house.

Today’s heavy rains from hurricane Michael filled the cups with water.


The plant fell over onto its Mojito elephant ear neighbor,


which flopped over onto the giant Frydek elephant ear cluster.


We had ourselves an elephant ear avalanche.

Colocasia leaves are supposed to tip and dump water,

not hold it until the whole plant flops over.

This domino disaster has ruined my prized  Mojito.


Where can this plant go where it won’t cause any more trouble?


Coffee Cup Colocasia compost.


A Gift from Florence

There’s a new weed in town.

Really it was here before, but Florence has made it flourish.

There had been small spots of Virginia Buttonweed in the lawn

before hurricane Florence brought all the rain.

Now this Diodia virginia has spread into huge mats.

Step one is to pull it up.

Step two will require the bare spots to be treated and reseeded.

This plant reproduces by hairy seeds and pieces of roots and stems.

I was just removing the bulk of the problem.

Then it’s Mr Flower’s job to fix and fill in.

I spent two days scooting across the grass on my sled pulling up clumps of this weed.

I hope Hurricane Michael doesn’t bring any more trouble.

I have bushels of it all ready!