The Oldest Ornament

We have certain Christmas traditions in my family.

At my house my whole family decorates our tree together.

Each person has a box of their own ornaments.

As we place these on the tree we talk about where each came from.

Some were made in school.  Some were gifts from family or friends.

My ornament is the oldest.

I made it in Mr. G’s class in the sixth grade.

Mary has a styrofoam head and is wearing a gown of light blue felt. Baby Jesus is a clothespin.

This precious ornament used to hang on my parents’ tree.

My children decorate their tree while we are there on Christmas Eve. Mom and my two children are in charge of the tree,

while my husband and dad grill the steaks.

Mary made it to my house when my two children were old enough to appreciate her.

When she is placed on the tree each year, I again tell that my twelve-year-old hands made this treasure.

I would like for Mr. G to know that I am still “Singing My Song”.

Now my songs involve a camera and computer.

Almost eleven thousand people from all over the world have heard me “sing” this year.

Thanks for helping an awkward, adolescent girl find her voice.

Bless you Mr G..



Rescued Baby Grows Up

In one of my previous posts, I shared that I felt compelled

to rescue some holiday plants left abandoned in a big box store.

These living things were piled among the other left over holiday decorations.

Not only that, these babies were covered in glitter and glue.


I love glitter and glue when it comes to decaupaging things,

but I do not consider it an appropriate decoration for plants.

I brought home some particularly pitiful, abused Norfolk Island pines.

I am happy to report that after much tender loving, cleaning and care

this baby is now big enough to decorate.

Not with more glitter and glue, but with little lights and tiny balls.

Hooray for Post-Holiday Plant Rescue!

Mission Accomplished.  Merry Christmas


Decorating a Tree

I love all trees.

At Christmas we cut a fresh tree and bring it in to decorate it.


I love tiny trees with tiny ornaments.


I admire big trees covered in lights.


Trees decorated with handmade ornaments bring back memories.IMG_6275


A tree full of teacups reminds me of my Gran, who collected them.



Of course I would like any tree decorated with rabbit ornaments.


But by far,

my favorite kind of tree

is one filled with

