The Annunciation Lily

I noticed that many of the annunciation paintings at the Uffizi Art Museum in Florence included a lily that looked like an Easter lily.

The Annunciation, Leonardo Da Vinci

I was curious about a lily that churches display at Easter being included with Mary and the angel, Gabriel.

This is a white Madonna lily,  Lilium candidum.

It is a symbol for purity, Christ, innocence and spring.

The Annunciation and Two Saints, Simone Martini and Lippo Memmi


Easter Lily/Lilium longiflorum


I also thought that Mary’s reaction to Gabriel’s news was portrayed in interesting ways.

If you search Annunciation paintings of the Uffizi Art Museum (or …of Italy),  you will see many examples with much better photography.  I was amazed by an angel bringing Mary flowers.


Happy Easter!

Red Dogwood/Cornus florida