Cat Private Eyes and Lizard Spies

Mr. Flower and I recently visited the beautiful but not so peaceful

Heathcote Botanical Gardens in Fort Pierce Coast, Florida.

The gardens are all themed and connected by shady walkways.

I truly enjoyed wondering along the paths and examining the flowers.

But I could not shake the feeling of being watched.

I slowed my paced and quieted my breaths.

Yes. I heard tiny footfalls through the vegetation.

Yes,  there were little eyes peeking out at me.  Were they guarding the bonsai?

Not only that, I was being followed.  I was tailed by one pursuer, then another.

Every time I turned around with my camera, my stalker would sit down and look the other way.

I even tried to hide in the facilities, but there were eyes everywhere!

This lasted longer than Mr. Flower’s patience. He wanted to get on the road toward home.

While I was running for my life, he was lounging on this lovely bench.

He cared nothing about my being spied upon.  When I pointed out the culprits, he only laughed.

He wouldn’t know a good mystery if it jumped down from the tree and bit him.

I guess I should share some flower photos from Heathcote Botanical Gardens.

Stay tuned for more.

FLOWER in no Fool.

My Lizard Kingdom

On any warm day, I can sneak to certain spots and spy  lizards taking a sunbath.


Some of them notice me and roll their eyes my way.


The Skinks are skittish and run into the nearest crack, their faces blushed with embarrassment.


The Bluetails turn and flash their blue tails as they retreat.


I have seen them leave this squiggling blue appendage behind when caught.

The big Fence bubbas do push ups at me to show how strong they are.


This baby is still peeling.  He has a piece of skin blowing up and down on his head.


Mr. Fence is true to his name here.  Notice those blue scales on the chest.


I love my tiny lizard kingdom.


Follow the Reptiles.
