If I Were a Real Flower

If I were a real flower I would not be big, bright or showy.

Bill Troutman Poppy

I would be a small, quiet flower that may be noticed or ignored.

Maybe I would be poisonous, so I would not get picked.


I would be wiry and scrappy, not thirsty and needy, so I can be left alone.

‘Moon Scene’ Amaryllis

I do not even want a color. I can just be pure white. No spots. No stripes.

‘Duchess de Nemours’ peony

I would be white and tiny and insignificant.

White Epimedium

I would be a tiny, white Epimedium growing under a shrub looking out at the other crazy flowers wondering

“What the hell are they thinking?”


Two Other Bright White Lilies

The Easter lilies are not the only white lilies shining on this cloudy day.

I also have a Gentle Shepherd daylily given to me by my sister-in-law, Dana.

It is a slow grower, so I do not share this one often.

My Navona lily has dark pollen which makes its face striking.

This corner was supposed to be only Navona, but…

As luck would have it,

this tall gorgeous yellow arrived in the package with the Navonas by accident.

I am a fan of white flowers, especially at dusk.


Quiet White

I went out to take pictures ahead of the coming storm.

It is overcast.

This is when white shines like a diamond amongst the greens.

White Columbine

Most folks overlook white flowers.

‘Snow flake’ Creeping Phlox

Take a closer look on an overcast or rainy day.

White Cupflower, Mazus reptens ‘Alba’

You may end up liking white as I do.

Variegated Solomon’s Seal

Some say it is the rice of the garden…cleansing the palette.

I think white flowers have an understated elegance

that is for those with a delicate taste for finer things.

White Epimedium

The quiet color that waits to be noticed.

Dogwood Tree, Cornus florida

Yes. I like white flowers very much.
