Mesmerized by Muhly Grass Dancing

If you add only one more plant to your garden, add pink Muhly grass.

Just when I think that the garden is done, Muhlenbergia capillaris, rises up and dances in the fall sunshine.

This plant has given me so much joy. It is gorgeous in sun or covered in dew drop diamonds.

My favorite time is to watch it dance in the wind. It is such a dynamic plant in bloom.

The Muhly tutu is bending, turning and swaying like a dancer in the breeze.



Muhly in the Morning

Some things are so crazy beautiful that one must pause to take it in. My Muhly Grass in the morning sun does this to me.

Sometimes it glistens with dew.

It has a lovely form and texture and color.

I am happy that it is happy on this slop in a featured spot in my garden.

The morning sun lights it up. The evening sun does, too. I love my Muhly.

Crazy beautiful!


Pink Plumes

We have been in a drought here in North Carolina.

I have had to water to keep most plants alive.

My Muhly grass did not need me.

This lovely Florida native is drought tolerant.

Its pink plumes add much needed color in October.

For my Lutheran readers, Muhly is short for Muhlenberg.

It is named after a Lutheran minister/ botanist Henry Ludwig Muehlenberg from the early 1800’s.

Muhly grass is a super star, rain or shine, in October.
