Red Coffee Beans

My coffee beans are finally starting to ripen.

A few are a lovely red hue.


The little tree is full of beans.


It will be brought inside before freezing temperatures hit.

The beans will be harvested later this month.


I plan on roasting them and grinding them

to make my first cup of tree-to-cup coffee.


What a treat that will be!


Ants, Beans and Scales

Must I do battle every single day here?

I paused to admire my new little green coffee beans on my coffee tree.

There seemed to be quite a bit of action around the beans.

Ants were busily running back and forth along the branches.

They were tending to their flock of scales. A nasty insect that sucks sap.

There was a busy little food chain with my beans at the bottom.

For the next hour, I sat in the rain with skewers and Q-tips.

Interfering with nature.  I killed hundreds of scales.  The ants skittered away.

The removal was followed by spritzes of warm Dawn water.

First my buds and now my beans!

My bunnies better not be next!

Oooh Wee Baby!

Warrior Flower

Craft Coffee in the Afternoon

My sister and I went to the POUR Craft Coffee Festival yesterday.  Our aunt was there because her son, our baby cousin, was one of the planners. He is in hot water.  The business.  These roasters used Marco equipment in brewing.

I was thrilled to get to go to a craft coffee event and visit with family at the same time.

It was held inside The Unknown Brewery in Charlotte, North Carolina.

It was a great event for anyone who likes to drink or even smell coffee.

There were some bakeries there also, but since it is Lent, I only ate the samples.

I did not want be rude to the lovely young lady.

Each Coffee Roaster was sharing samples of their different blends of coffee. The coffees had different types of beans from different sources around the globe.


We spent hours sampling sips of coffee from tiny mugs given out at the entrance. We learned about roasting beans.

I took photos of each vendor’s sign. I blinded the nice young man at the Nightflyer booth. (Sorry dude. My bad.)

Jokes were made about sipping and chugging, caffeine highs balanced with beer mellows.

My sister and I decided our palates were not sophisticated enough to taste the tones and hints of the beans and skins/cherry/cascara.  A helpful gentleman suggested this was because we were “older.”  (Just because something is true, doesn’t mean that it needs to be said.)

My sister’s one purchase of the day was some Arabica Soda from Charleston, South Carolina. It was a refreshing blend of beans and skins and sugar and carbonation. We predict a hit here.

It was a great chance to taste many brands of craft coffee.

I must make one suggestion to our cousin from Marco. Next year please add a craft cocoa vendor for your old-lady cousins with our unsophisticated palates.