Frog Training

I have been trying for weeks to get photos of my frog friends.

I have to walk very slowly and talk to them softly.

They watch me carefully as I move around the pond.

I step on one stepping stone at a time and pause.

I raise my camera against my torso so there is no arm flapping movements.

I do this over and over. I am able to get closer each time.

They wait longer and longer before diving into the pond to disappear.

I got this shot yesterday.

I think I am finally trained now.


You Don’t See It?

I have learned to be an observer.

I pause and examine things closely.

This pond looks empty at first glance.


The noisy nights have let me know that things are happening.

I pause and ponder and bend down to look into the empty pond.

The green water is dotted with specks.

Some specks have heads and tails.

There is wiggling and swimming going on in that empty pond.

It is teeming with life.


Watch it. Wait for it. Let it be and see what evolves.

Just because you don’t see it, doesn’t mean it isn’t there.


Look closer.


A Sign with Legs

I was headed back inside with my camera without a proper post picture when

I was greeted at the threshold by a familiar voice from seasons past.

I had to follow the sound, which was coming from behind a sign on the porch.


Mortimer has returned and has taken up his old residence with a friend.


What a lovely surprise. I had been hoping he would return.


He may not have a chance to jump on our guests this year due to the pandemic.


I still expect some antics from the little friend who seems to feel right at home.


Wildlife is always welcome here.

Oh, happy day!



Almost Frogs

I was about to clean out the acorns from the pond,

when I noticed some had tails and were swimming!


What I was seeing weren’t acorns, but itty bitty tadpoles.

I have watched them develop this week.


They are almost frogs.

They have stopped swimming and have climbed out onto the floating leaves


to sit in the sun and absorb their tails.


These tiny little frogs are precious!


Flow loves frogs


Froggy Nights

High volumes of frogs with high volume calls are taking the nights by storm.

This has been the froggiest summer yet.

There are frogs on the walls and

frogs in the walls.

Frogs on the windows.

Frogs on the doors.

Frogs on the gutters.

Frogs on the rocks.

Frogs right under our bedroom window. (Mercy!)

It is beginning to feel like an invasion here.

There are frogs everywhere and more on the way.

Somebody Save Me!

Frog Mama Flow