My Pet Blob

We inadvertently left a rope dangling in the water over the winter.

It became home to a colony of bryozoans.


These are tiny one-celled organisms that live in a colony called a zooid.

Since I didn’t think my new pet would enjoy a boat ride,

we cut the end of the rope off.


I wanted to get to know my new pet, so I measured it and took a small sample.


Here are its little cells. In microbiology red and green make brown.


Then we tied it to the pier.


Unfortunately, due to rope length, it is now floating upside down.

I feel like Horton with my own wet and slimy Whoville.


I will be measuring my Zooid periodically to check it’s growth.

I have had many stray dogs and cats wander up, but this is my first pet blob.

Such excitement!

Follow the BLOB!