Pass the Baton

I have been looking at my life and goals differently lately.

Instead of seeing  myself in a race with a my own personal finish-line,

I now consider myself part of a relay team…of women.


I have been reading history books, you see.


I wanted to know how women in the past have attained success while surrounded by sexism.

I have being traveling back a century or two.

This seems to be about where the political tide would like to take us.

So I am consulting with the likes of Beatrix Potter, Marie Curie, Clara Barton , Annie Oakley and Rosalind Franklin.

What have I learned from our fore-mothers?

They stayed their course.  They kept on their special path.  They went with their flow. They followed their dreams.

They kept at it.   They kept learning and earning, reading and writing, sowing and growing, nursing and nourishing, hoping and helping, praying and praising, painting and sculpting, marching and singing, farming and planting.

They were not defined by nor confined by the men in their lives.

This political tide is nothing new young women.

Females have been knocked down and pushed back for centuries.

You must keep heading toward your chosen shore; despite the tide cycle, current or undertow.

Stay afloat and swim forward when you can.   Don’t let this get you down or make you drown.

So ladies, don’t drop your causes.    Cling to them with zeal.

Use your passion (not poison) to make this world a better (not bitter) place.

My friend the paramedic/nurse riding her Harley through the Badlands.

Grandmothers, mothers, aunts, queens, witches, neighbor-ladies, and girlfriends;

Stretch out your arm to pass that baton by encouraging, teaching, and supporting and sharing.

Just keep carrying and passing the baton.

Granddaughters, sisters, nieces, princesses, bitches and baby girls

reach out and grab the baton with courage, faith, strength and grit.

My same friend as a sparkling twirler in our high school band.

Carry it on and then pass it off to your female teammates.

Twirl it if you like.  Paint it, radiate it, bandage it up, write on it, shoot it,  x-ray it,

even burn in at both ends, if you must.

But keep on passing it.

You can’t each reach your full potential, unless we all get to reach for ours.

This is not a race against time, it is a relay through time.

There were many women before you, there will be many more that follow.

Pass the baton.




My Friend the Fairy

My friend is a fairy, but she doesn’t know it.

The fairy and her Cardoons in June.

She collects fairy dolls


and fairy statues


and fairy art.


She reads books about fairies.

She has a fairy garden in the woods beside her farm.

There are fairy houses,


fairy towns,


fairy tea sets,


and fairy shoes.

She points out where the fairies have been.
Under this fern, up this tree, upon this vine.


She says she believes in them, which I think was funny… coming from a fairy.

All her friends have an awareness of her fairiness.

Her cat knows purrfectly well that she’s a fairy.

Her dogs are charmed, I’m sure.



She raises chickens in a carousel castle.


I bet they lay golden eggs.


Her flowers and herbs grow like Madgic.


She is surrounded by magic everywhere, but doesn’t realize that it all comes from her.

How can she not know that she has wings?


FLOWER, friend of a fairy.

An Afternoon Among Fairies

I spent a lovely afternoon with one of my favorite people on Earth today.

My next post will be about her.  This one is about her fairies.


Although it is January, we spent much of our visit outside.


She has a fairy garden in her woods, you see.


It is both beautiful and magical.


My friend is like sunshine.  Her fairies/faeries and garden are enchanting.


I hope you enjoy seeing her tiny friends.


This one is my favorite, due to the bunny.


FLOWER and Fairies.

My Hope is Green

I had to take myself outside today.

I was feeling too much like a human. (No offense.)

I have been reading about politics and watching the television.

I don’t understand people. (No offense.)

I don’t believe I am human.   I think a mistake was made.


I had to get outside on this dark, wet day to find some hope.

I found it.


I came back in with muddy shoes, pants, hands and camera.(Sorry Honey.)

My hope comes from the ground,


Not from my family, friends, books or the television.(I love you but…No offense.)

My hope is green.


I had to see that things were still growing and pushing up out of the earth.

Even in cold. Even in darkness.

If a little plant can do it, so can I.




A Dish In a Bowl of Fish

I have to bring my Shubunkins in for the winter.

They live in a small pond that I made years ago as “Maiden Stone Garden Art” concrete artist.


It is too small to leave water in it during a freeze.   Plants nor fish would survive.


The three Shubunkins come into the foyer to greet guests with noises and splashing.

It has been difficult to keep this bowl looking good and keep the water clean .


After much experimentation, I have found a way to keep the water clearer.

First, I use a turkey baster to gobble up the debris from the bottom.


This removes concentrated detritus without stirring up the water.

I purchased a foam filter and placed it in a dish, weighted down by rocks.


Now, I can lift out the dish full of waste while mixing less into the remaining water.


Always clean and dry used equipment. Also label it. No one wants to eat a turkey basted with your fish bowl sucker-upper.


Fish waste is like manna to microbes.

Now, I can actually see my little friends.


FLOWER and her fish.

Seeds in Sand

I am ashamed to admit that I usually don’t mix my small seeds with sand.

It can be seen on my hand how this mix would better space the seeds.

Poppy seeds are also tiny and tend to blow while sown.


This leads to over-crowding and the need to thin seedlings.


Sometimes I wait too late to thin, which disrupts the roots of the plants left.

Last week I mixed my poppy seeds with sand before sowing them.


I liked that I could see where I had sown the seeds.


Hopefully, this year’s poppies will be less crowded than last year’s crop.

If I have given you my red, double “Bill Troutman” poppy seeds; you need to sow them soon.   They are early risers.



The Real McCoy

In America, we use this saying “the real McCoy” to mean the real thing. This means that whatever is being described is the genuine article; not an imitation or fake.


This saying has several possible origins including an oil-drip can, rum during prohibition or the famous feuding families, the Hatfields and McCoys.

I am using it here with McCoy pottery, which was made in Ohio from roughly 1929 to 1967.  The company started alone, consolidated as ACPC, split apart and then regrouped again.

The marks McCoy and USA on the bottom mean it was made after about 1933.


These two pieces are from my dear maternal grandmother and maternal great grandmother who were both from Ohio.


The Turtle Sprinkler sat on a table in a corner window with my great  grandmother’s African Violets.



The planter held some of my grandmother’s favorite plants.  I wanted to photograph this before planting one of her plants back into it.


McCoy is a highly collected form of pottery, but don’t rush to e-bay just yet.

The Turtle sells for about $45 and the planter for only $20.

These two are worth way more to me in memories than money.


Cleaned and Quarantined

I was excited to spot some orange on the kalanchoe buds.

Upon closer inspection, the color came from bugs not blooms.


Aphids had stowed away and were happily sucking sap from the young stems.

I pulled out my mean weapons from my arsenal to do battle.   Q-tips, along with a dish of alcohol.


The aphid army was soon obliterated and floating in the dish-of-death.


Do not pity these parasites. They are itty bitty, yet ugly and vicious.


The plant is now recovering nicely in the plant hospital, along side the sick Lemon Button Fern.


FLOWER the Warrior