Be the Light

My family ended our holiday with a trip to the White’s to see the lights.

It was the perfect ending.

This is no ordinary light display. It is over the top.

We could see the lights from several streets away.

Their yard is a beacon from the Interstate.

Colored lights flashed, white lights twinkled, stars sparkled.

There was even music tinkling in the background.

This trip was a bright spot in our darkened holiday.

I stood in their driveway, happy to be with my two friends.

I looked up and realized I was under the biggest tree of all.

Dizzy? I was too busy talking to focus. Surprise there.

It lit up the sky above me. I was surrounded in light and love.

Thanks to M and S for the most magical moment in 2020.

Be the light in someone’s darkness. Be the beacon that gets them through.

Let the lower lights be burning!

Send a gleam across the waves!

Some poor fainting, struggling seaman,

you may rescue, you may save.

(Hymn by P.P Bliss 1871)

HAPPY NEW YEAR from Flow and family and friends

The First Twinkle

If you want to see the magic as it appears, you must pause at dusk.

As the sunlight splits into its various colors and those fade and darken toward grey,


there are moments of both light and darkness combined

that show the shape of things as they shadow.


That is when lights give their first magical twinkle.


I saw it all last night at Daniel Stowe Botanical Gardens in Belmont.


I was there for the holiday lights, but got a glimpse of magic


here and there among the gardens.


Happy New Year