Rooting in the Sky

Tiger Splendens’ bulbils are getting ahead of themselves this fall.

They seem to be preparing to jump from the mother plant.

Many have enlarged and grown roots while still clinging to mama.

I had noticed that some bulbils seemed to be nibbled on.

I wonder if the mama alerted her babies to bail out early?

Plants do communicate with other parts of the plant and neighboring plants.

I will be placing these in shallow pots of peat.

These are the grandbulbils of my first Tiger Lily.

This mama plant was a baby in 2018.

Bulbils grow up so fast these days!

Grandma Flow

Dew Diamonds

Fall mornings are the perfect time to find dew diamonds.

You must carefully time your hunt.

The dew left on the leaves and flowers must settle and condense a bit.

Then you wait for the sun to creep over the horizon.

The sunlight turns each tiny drop into a prism.

You must be at the proper angle between the sun and the dew.

You must find the diamonds just as the sun does.

The sun steals them quickly, you see.

I am rich!


Two Tiny Vines

I love my vines. I have tried many types. These two are keepers.

Red Cypress Vine/Ipomoea pennata stays small and is easy to train to any trellis.

It resows itself. Its feathery leaves are lovely.

The red blooms are gorgeous in any light.

Red Cypress Vine/ Ipomoea pennata

My other favorite is Love in a Puff/ Cardiospermum halicacabum.

Love in a Puff/ Cardiospermum halicacabum

Its flowers are tiny white with yellow centers.

I love the puffy seed pods which contain three seeds.

Each black seed has a white heart on it.

I have heard this vine can be a pest below Zone 6, but it behaves itself here in North Carolina.

These two get along well together on our lamp post.


Shapeshifter Succulent

This tiny plant is a trickster. It looks like silver little rosettes from spring to fall.

Chinese Dunce Cap beginning to elongate.

Eventually it elongates into cones that are tall and will have tiny flowers on them in October.

There are several forms of Orostachys/ Chinese Dunce Cap. This one is O. boehmeri.

It likes full sun and dry conditions.

Flow nearing Fall

Lifesaver starfish Plant

This plant throws its parts around. No nearby pot is safe from a well tossed arm.

When this plant arrived from Logee’s, I sent back a complaint that the pieces were not even rooted yet.

Their short response was…It does not matter. Now, I know why. No roots needed. Neglect necessary.

Something must have signaled this Huernia zebrina /Lifesaver Plant to bloom now.

Huernia zebrina

Each pot, no matter its location, is blooming.

Its blooms are too perfect to seem real.

Huernia zebrina/ Life Saver Plant

It thrives on neglect with full sun and very little water.

This may be the perfect plant for you “Black Thumb” folks.


Dahlia Row

There are some new beauties in the line-up this year.

These were introduced to me last fall by the famous pianist, Harold Brown of Bramwell.

The three new faces are Nonette, Cafe’ au lait and Kelvin Floodlight.

I ordered these from Old House Gardens.

The Kelvin Floodlight photo does not do it justice.

Kelvin Floodlight Dahlia

Cafe’ au Lait is even more gorgeous than I expected.

Cafe’ au lait dahlia

Nonette needed some extra water to make bigger flowers, but did not disappoint.

Nonette Dahlia

My heart still belongs to my three favorites Thomas Edison, Firepot and Snow Country.

Thomas A Edison Dahlia

Firepot Dahlia

Snow Country Dahlia

Dahlia Row has taken a lot of feeding, composting and watering BUT these blooms are worth it.

