A Mouse, a Chipmunk and a Bird Met Under a Bush

There are tiny tracks everywhere after a fine dusting of snow.

This snow is so light and fine it moves like powdered sugar.

A white dusting is perfect for tiny tracks that would not show up in big snows.

My favorite spot for tiny tracks is under bushes. That’s where the small and skittish roam.

I usually carry a penny for scale, but did not have one in my bathrobe.

I know these three were probably not under the bush at the same time, but I like thinking about three tiny creatures hanging out under a bush telling about how they pass their time when it is cold.

So I imagine a little bird with the young chipmunk meeting a mouse for a chat.

Thankfully there are no cat tracks around.


Mud and Mushrooms

You may have noticed my latest posts are a little mushy.

It’s this R A I N.

Oh my. It has caught me at a bad part of my maintenance cycle.

I did get some weeding done, but ran out of mulch.

So that means W E E D S.

I am amazed how much growth has occurred this week.

I wish I had placed measuring sticks by each Hosta.

There are some upsides to the downpours.

I found some perfect animals tracks in the mud.

and then there are the mushrooms.

And let’s not forget the necessity for new garden clogs while my many pairs of shoes dry

after washing them.( Attention: Shrub Queen)

These are Backdoor Shoes.   I will let you know how they hold up.

Here is the second daylily to bloom. Dixie Boy.