My New Motto

Winters are rough for a gardener. I have to keep myself busy to stay up.

I plan projects and read insightful books.


I have been reading these three books while I take my shifts with my dad at rehab.

This is a tough time for a man who is used to being active and in charge.

I look at every situation as a life lesson. Some lessons are harder than others.

I may have to hang my new sign in his room.


My Night-blooming Cereus seems to have the same philosophy.


It has put up these long stalks reaching toward the skylight.

We all should reach up or reach out when things get dark and difficult.



The Magic Kiss

Just as I arrived for my shift at the rehab facility

a lovely vision appeared before me in the hallway.

Her hair was adorned with sparkling hearts.

Red tulle surrounded her lovely face.

Her whole being shimmered in the light.

Was I finally having that long-awaited breakdown?

No. It was Brandy the Marvelous Mini Horse.

She was there visiting the center to cheer up the patients.

I got down on one of my expensive knees for an up-close visit.


Brandy was dressed to the nines for Valentine’s.

She wore a heart-covered headband, glitter body spray and a tulle tutu collar

but practical red lace-up shoes.


She has horse sense. No high heels for this gal on the go.

As our visit ended, her handler asked if she could give me a kiss.

She nuzzled my hand with her muzzle, which made me coo.

Then it happened.

Her little head reached over and actually kissed me hand.

She actually kissed me!    I was so pleased by this.

Her owner said “Brandy doesn’t go around kissing everybody. She must like you.”

Brandy was there for the patients, but Flow needed to feel love

straight from the horse’s mouth.

Angels come in many forms. Sometimes “mini” forms.


If you know anyone who needs some equine affection, contact Kay Daughtry at or Appearance costs are donated.

I Know How It Feels

‘Pink Surprise’ has sent up a second stalk.

When I checked on it this morning, it was leaning so far over it was against the glass.

I know how it feels.

These dark days do not have enough light for me.

I need more warmth. I need more sunshine.

I need to be out in the natural world, not watching bad and sad on a screen.

I will be out today, no matter the temperature.

Either that, or I will be leaning against a window somewhere


desperately seeking sunshine.


Jelly Ears on a Stick

One of my chores is to pick up sticks in the yard.

I have not done this in a while, so there were lots of them.

I wear my camera in case something interesting shows up while I am out.

I did not see this before I felt it.

Jelly Ear fungus. A slimy resident in old wood.

 Auricularia is its Latin genus name.

There is debate about the species name for the form in the south eastern United States.

Its slippery and squishy after a rain.

Next time, I will remember my gloves.





Daddy and the Mi$tletoe

While I was out in the cold searching for something green in January,

I spied clumps of mistletoe high up in several trees.


I have always found this hemiparasite fascinating.

The American type is named Phoradendron which means tree thief.

That’s because it steals nutrients and water from its host tree.

It uses these supplies to carry out photosynthesis.

How did the mistletoe get way up there?

A bird ate the berries and pooped the seeds onto a branch.

The name mistletoe means dung on a twig.


Seeing it hanging up there reminded me of one of daddy’s stories.

Daddy was a young entrepreneur. He tried many clever ways to make a buck back then.

He and a buddy found a tree full of balls of mistletoe. They got the idea of selling it.

The two went around town taking orders for bundles of mistletoe to hang in doorways for the Christmas holidays.

An old custom is to kiss under the mistletoe for luck, love, fertility…

So the boys got enough orders to make their effort worthwhile

so they chopped down the old tree, laden with mistletoe.

Gravity played a mean trick on our boys ,the crash down knocked all the berries off.

When the boys delivered their bundles of mistletoe, no one wanted mistletoe with no berries.

No berries, no money.

I feel sorry for poor little daddy and his buddy,

but my real sympathy goes to the poor tree.


P.S. The European form of mistletoe (Viscum album) is used to treat epilepsy and colon cancer. Oh the irony!

Daddy is in rehab getting stronger every day.  Now may be a good time to collect more “Daddy Stories.”

Stay warm folks.


Name this Angel

It’s been a tough winter so far.  I have not gotten to spend much time outside.

I walked around my yard today.  I took my camera, just in case.

I could not believe my eyes when I spotted this beauty.

What is it?  When did I plant it?

My records have turned up nothing. Could it be a Ziva in January?

Maybe it is an angel.

My angel would be a plant.

If you know its name, please let me know.

I will treasure it forever.

It brightened this day in a special way.


Moon Scene

My other Amaryllis has put up two stalks at once.

It’s small blooms have lovely details.


‘Moon Scene’ is only 13 inches tall.


I must remember this when placing it in the garden.

It needs to be close to a walkway so folks can bend down to admire its stripes.


Another wonderful Amaryllis just when it is needed.


Bits of Joy

When the days are dark, I search for bits of joy.

They are easy to find if you look.

Today my little squirrel friend came back again to take shelter from the rain under the bench. He knows me. I wave to him and smile. We are friends.


My ‘Pink Surprise’ Amaryllis is sending up another stalk while holding up its four blooms.


Rain and clouds make some folks sad, but I like to watch the mist sneak across the water.


These are my bits of joy this morning.

Today is mama’s 88th birthday. We will celebrate in my daddy’s new room.

We are happy to have each other.

Hoping for better days, but appreciating every day.

Sharing our bits of joy.

Flower Roberts



A Part or Apart

To be  a part of a team, you must be a part of a team.

Membership cannot be bought.  A part must be earned. A group working together for common goals has connections and rhythms and synergy.

To be part of a team, you must be part of a team.

Every member shares responsibilities and sacrifices. They back each other up. They help each other up. They act as one unit. No one is set apart.

To be part of a team, you must be part of a team.

A team takes time. There must be trust. The wins and losses are shared by all. There is no I in team. You are a united unit, parts of a whole.

To be part of a team, you must be part of a team.

This means discussions and revisions. New game plans must be developed as needed. Changes are considered by all and agreed upon by all.

Apart is not a part of a team. Apart buys what it wants. Apart bullies to get its way.

Apart does not consider other options or compromises. Apart does not listen to different opinions. Apart is selfish. Apart is self-centered.

Apart takes and never gives. Apart demands loyalty but never gives it in return.

Apart is alone.

To be part of a team, you must be part of a team.


P.S. I wish I could send all this lovely rain to Australia like a good team member would.

Daddy is moving to rehab on day 26. Daddy has a team, because he has always been part of a team.

Flower Roberts