No Fences, No Flowers

I am home again for a day. The wedding was lovely and Rose was lovely. It was a wonderful weekend with treasured friends.

This morning I toured the gardens. I was lamenting that my beautiful flowers were in ugly fences.

Then I arrived at the spot where South Seas should have been blooming. There were empty stalks instead. I had forgotten to put its fence ring back up.

There is a lesson here. I do not like the fences. They are an ugly addition to a beautiful garden, but…

NO fences, NO flowers.


The Dress and the Daylily

I was out this morning photographing one of my favorite daylilies, South Seas.

As I was admiring its gorgeous color I envisioned a dress of this fabulous hue.

This reminded me that I must chose a dress to wear to Rose’s friend’s wedding this Saturday.

Rose is a bridesmaid and will be in a lovely eucalyptus green gown and gold shoes.

My dress for the event? I have chosen a midi that just happens to have that lovely color smeared on it. It’s old and its blue.

I hope it won’t be too much with red shoes!


Refreshed by Rain

We had a line of strong storms come through last night. I was grateful for shelter. There was not much damage but a lot of rain washed everything clean.

I will feature this week’s daylily blooms. I have had a hard time remembering their names. A few years of serious stress has done a number on my hard drive. I was a bit shocked by my memory failure. I am thankful that I have kept thorough records to fall back on.

Here is the first wave of daylilies this season, refreshed by last night’s rain.

Whooperee A deer favorite because the blooms are big and juicy.
Breed Apart I appreciate this color combo and the ruffles on the petals.
Emperor’s Butterfly I love how the throat goes from green to yellow then cream.
Yabba Dabba Doo The blooms are not symmetrical but the plant looks like a party when in full swing.
Peacock Alley Simple beauty of nice symmetry.
Lavender Rainbow My two favorite colors together. The ants love this one also.
Dixie Boy Small and tight blooms but the bright colors demand attention.
Nutmeg Spice I planted this one right beside the walkway because it is a strong bloomer and I adore its colors and ruffled edge.

I want to end this post with a photo of the sky. I look at the sky a lot. It seems alive much of the time. If you do not watch the sky, you should. There is magic up there.


The Deer and the Daylilies

When we first moved here, there were no deer. I am not sure when they showed up, but it was not a happy time. I love seeing them, but I do not love feeding them.

They love daylilies and so do I. I love to see them and they love to eat them.

‘Dixie Boy’ daylily

One summer the deer ate them before I got to see them. I was on vacation in June. When we returned there were hundreds of shortened stalks where blooms should have been.

When the dayliles first appear in the spring, their leaves are tender and green. They must also be tasty. That is when the fence rings get placed around each plant. That solves the problem for a month or so because the deer do not like to stick their heads down in the ring.

In late May the stalks with buds start to emerge above the leaves and above the fence rings.

That is the time I must bring out the green poles to stick in the ground beside each fence ring. Then raise each ring to hang on the pole above the leaves and around the buds and blooms.

I have also tried a new deer repellent product this year.

It contains peppermint, garlic and rotten eggs. Yummy!

It seems to have worked. I will refresh the old bags with peppermint oil in hopes that they will continue to deter the deer.

This is way too much work for maintaining flowers. I would not have knowingly planted deer food if the deer had been here first. My flowers were here first, so I feel obligated to protect them. I do not feel obligated to feed wildlife. My training as a biologist is against that.

I will report on the Whemoalus Deer Repellent’s effectiveness in the coming months.

FLOW (working too hard for her flowers.)

It is Not June Yet

Spring gets me rushing around in the garden. I am always behind… dig, weed, seed, weed, water, feed, weed.

I spotted my first daylily bloom yesterday. It was Emperor Butterfly down on the bunny bank. Excuse me, it is not June.

Emperor Butterfly daylily

It is bad enough to have all the weeds zooming ahead of schedule. Now my own flowers are showing me up.

Not one but three daylilies are blooming. “It is still May.” I say!

Whooperee was actually first because I spotted a spent bloom on it from the day before. Its juicy blooms are a deer favorite.

Whooperee Daylily

I guess the hot temperatures last week fooled them.

Nutmeg Spice burst into bloom this morning, although its not June.

Nutmeg Spice daylily

I guess its time to sprinkle Deer Scram. I’d best hurry… sprinkle, weed, dig, weed, feed, deadhead, weed.

I think I am getting too old to garden.

Slower Flower

Two Other Bright White Lilies

The Easter lilies are not the only white lilies shining on this cloudy day.

I also have a Gentle Shepherd daylily given to me by my sister-in-law, Dana.

It is a slow grower, so I do not share this one often.

My Navona lily has dark pollen which makes its face striking.

This corner was supposed to be only Navona, but…

As luck would have it,

this tall gorgeous yellow arrived in the package with the Navonas by accident.

I am a fan of white flowers, especially at dusk.


The Dahlias of Bramwell

Our strolling down the sidewalks of Bramwell was detoured by a marvelous garden.

There was a row of dahlias shamelessly showing off right there next to the sidewalk.

You couldn’t expect me to waltz right by without stopping to meet them.

Thomas Edison was closest to the gate. I barged in like a blogger gone mad.

There were some show-stoppers that I needed to know the names of for future purchases.

Harold Brown, the pianist and gardener, informed me that these beauties came from Old House Gardens in Ann Harbor, Michigan.

Andries’ Game
Kelvin Floodlight
Old Gold
I must ask Harold Brown about this beauty’s name. (Requiem?)
Wisconsin Red

When flowers are involved, the Flower gets a bit brazen.


My Friends’ Farm

I usually visit this farm in June at the peak of daylily season.


I did not get there until July this year. I am glad.

There was a whole different crop of flowers.


They seemed unbothered by the heat of the southern summer.


This place used to be a working dairy farm then a daylily farm.

Now it’s just home to folks and flowers, goats and horses.

Here are some daylilies that bloom mid-July.

Classic Edge daylily

Highland Lord daylily


Willie Lyles daylily

Raspberry Sunshine daylily

Bold Tiger daylily

El Desperado daylily

I always enjoy my time with these friends and their flowers.
