The Bulge

Yes, I have eaten too much this holiday but I am not referring to myself.

A bulge appeared at the edge of the Clivia pot. I was too busy to investigate before Christmas.
The bulge got bigger. I assumed it was a pup forming even though I thought Clivia pups usually come up at the plant crown.

Mystery bulge.

I finally investigated when soil spilled onto the floor. I have been known to bring in stow-aways in my pots.
I carefully dug down expecting a toad.

Crowded Roots

Just crowded roots that had run out of space. We know how that is.

I was a bit disappointed. I miss my toad friends during the winter.


Stay tuned for a post on ‘ Hiding in the Siding.’ It’s one surprise after another here!

My Little Joy

I am home for the holidays. We are frantically cleaning before our son, the sneezer, arrives.
All dust must be ousted.

I tossed out some dusty items onto the bench outside. I forgot that this is the spot where my little friend sits each morning. I call him “Stubby” because he is missing the end of his tail.

Stubby and the ousted dust.

He has never been frightened by me. I would like to believe he is the baby I rescued from the koi pond.

Chipmunk Rescue

These are the things that bring me joy.
I consider them gifts from the Universe.
I hope your holiday brings your heart joy.


Our New Airstrip

There’s a new piece of land out front of our house due to sedimentation.

It is long and flat and clear of vegetation.

It has caught the attention of the pilots from the nearby private airport.

First a helicopter landed on it. (earlier post)

Now, we have observed PLANES landing on it.

The first time this happened was at dusk and I could not get photos.

It happened again yesterday.

I was worried about boaters landing on the new island! HA.

One yellow plane landed and took off while the other yellow plane flew alongside probably to film the feat.

There was a dip after takeoff. We thought it might go under the water but it pulled back up.

We may need to trim some limbs, so we won’t miss any of the air shows.


P.S. My daddy would love this. He had a little yellow and red Piper Cub.

Limes Among Laundry

Even when things seem rather dark my plants serve as green lights to cheer me.

I am home for a while catching up on housework and laundry.
I really do not enjoy these endless chores.
The brightest spot in the laundry-hanging room is occupied by my largest plants.

The biggest one is a key lime tree that I grew from seed.
Here it is now with lovely little limes hanging like Christmas balls.

This was my joy today, seeing these sweet( not literally) litte limes hanging among the laundry, lines and clothes pins.
My hope is green and my joy is green!

FLOWER and her fruits