Almost Frogs

I was about to clean out the acorns from the pond,

when I noticed some had tails and were swimming!


What I was seeing weren’t acorns, but itty bitty tadpoles.

I have watched them develop this week.


They are almost frogs.

They have stopped swimming and have climbed out onto the floating leaves


to sit in the sun and absorb their tails.


These tiny little frogs are precious!


Flow loves frogs


A Pond with a View

We are very fortunate to have a great source for koi and water plants

just a short drive away from us.

Gayle’s Koi in Catawba has been our choice for buying koi and water plants for years.

She has a huge pond full of gorgeous giants.

Butterfly Koi with flowing fins

It is on the side of a hill and seems almost like an infinity pond.

Look at this view!

My son and I went to get several small koi and some water plants last weekend.

water hyacinths
water lkettuce

Water plants are needed to help shade the water during the hot months here in the south.

My son picked out two colorful fish from one of her holding tanks,

while I wandered around enjoying her garden art and unusual plants.

If you are local, I will pass along her contact information.

Gayle is the best.