Tiny White Epimedium

As soon as the yellow and orange Epimediums reach full bloom, I start watching the tiny, white one.

Its fluttering white flowers sneak out slowly. This plant deserves close inspection.

White Epimedium

Its heart-shaped leaves and winged flowers are delicately arranged on almost invisible stems.

This is one of my tiny treasures. Two more will soon follow in posts…Chinese Dunce Caps and Jessop.

My blood runs green.


Sweet, Little Epimediums

The Epimediums are very delicate looking, but don’t be fooled. They are tough little beauties.

Orange and yellow are the first to bloom. These are tucked up under Autumn ferns and shrubs.

These blooms are complex and are worth close examination.

The orange was a gift from my dear friend Steve Baldwin.

The yellow blooms and spreads like it loves its niche.

These are two of my fairy plants. The blooms seem to have tiny wings.

I love that!


Other Epimediums

That lovely yellow has finished blooming and is a light green carpet of leaves.

That means it is the little white Epimedium’s turn to shine.

It delicate blooms are as dainty as fine jewelry.

It is happy tucked under this Andromeda bush.

The orange is happier in its new location with more water and shade.

I fear this red may need to relocate. Few blooms, small leaves and little growth.

A plant wants what a plant wants. It’s your job to find out what that is.


The Sweetest Plant of Spring

I love all my plants, but some are easier to love than others.

This yellow Epimedium is a treasure. It requires only one thing, to be cut back in early March.

It likes shade. Can handle any water requirements, but appreciates moisture and light mulch.

The blooms are nothing short of magical. They are tiny, complex and delicate.

The yellow type blooms first. My white is compact, but worth bending down to admire.

The orange Epimedium blooms last. It is gorgeous.

Epimediums are hard to find, but worth the hunt.

Yellow Epimedium

Once you have one, you will understand why it is a favorite.


Epimediums near the Entrance

I have three Epimediums growing near the entrance to my home.

They are low plants with small flowers,

so I placed them where they will be better noticed.

Their tiny clusters of blooms may still be overlooked once the leaves emerge.

Their other names are barren wort or bishop’s hat,

but my favorite name for them is fairy wings.IMG_7772The wiry stems are so slender, that it appears as though the blooms are fluttering in thin air.These small plants add a lovely burst of color under shrubs.

Epimediums prefer shade and rich soil, but will tolerate dry conditions.They are magical.   Plant them where they can be appreciated,IMG_7801Even in the rain.




You Gotta Get An Epimedium

I love hundreds of types of plants.  I am in love with a dozen or so.

The twinkle in my eye during March belongs to my yellow Epimedium.

It peeks out from under a Pieris japonica bush and an Autumn fern.

Its butter yellow blooms dangle from wiry stalks like tiny lanterns aglow.

A perfect place for a fairy to read a book.

Even the leaves are lovely.