More Beheadings Overnight

I admit it. I cried. The herd is one step ahead of me. The Easter Lily buds were eaten along with Strutter’s Ball buds and even one Tiger Lily.

I will show you my “Moving Rings” method of protection. This requires proper timing. Too late is too late.

In early spring the rings are low. To protect the tender new shoots as they emerge. Deer do not like putting their head inside a ring.

As the bloom stalks rise, the ring must rise higher. I place a stake against the ring and hang it around the buds.

A lot of trouble you say? Yes it is. I was here before the deer. I would never have knowingly planted a “Deer Delicatesan” had I been aware of their presence.

I will be moving my favorites, like Nutmeg Spice (below) into the safety of the bunny yard without bunnies.

Nutmeg Spice

Poles and rings are everywhere. Not the scene I had envisioned. Ghetto Gardening is my name for it. I am not too proud to use junk to save my treasures.

We must all adapt as changes come.


P.S. Local gardeners: I have been trying to hire a garden concierge to help care for my gardens. Hip surgery may be in my future.

If you know of a young, energetic, quick learner, please show them this blog.

14 thoughts on “More Beheadings Overnight

  1. I understand your anguish from similar experiences, myself. I HIGHLY recommend Repels All (box stores carry it it comes in granular or spray, is organic and works for up to 2 months. I started using it last year and can enjoy hosta, lilies, etc. again.
    Do you have NextDoor (app) in your neighborhood? It might be a good place to locally advertise your need for garden help.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I will check out Repels All.
      We are not in a neighborhood, but one has moved nearby. I may check into that. Thank you very much Eliza.
      I plan to use my last bucket of Deer Scram before leaving town. We have had storms with much rain frequently which washes away all applications of repellants. I have emailed the high school horticulture teacher about hiring a student. My quest continues!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m so sorry, Flower. It made my heart sad to see and read of the damage your garden has suffered due to the voracious snacking habits of the herd. Thank you, though, for sharing your idea for the use of moving rings as protection. We do have deer in the area, but so far they don’t wander into my 24-hour smorgasbord. The rabbits, on the other hand…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I will be devising longterm solutions soon. This has been a futile fight. I do not feed wildlife…even inadvertently. That only fuels the cycle. I will be taking all deer food out of availability. I have been making a list of their favorites. I always enjoy hearing from you, bfll. Thank you.

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