My New Motto

Winters are rough for a gardener. I have to keep myself busy to stay up.

I plan projects and read insightful books.


I have been reading these three books while I take my shifts with my dad at rehab.

This is a tough time for a man who is used to being active and in charge.

I look at every situation as a life lesson. Some lessons are harder than others.

I may have to hang my new sign in his room.


My Night-blooming Cereus seems to have the same philosophy.


It has put up these long stalks reaching toward the skylight.

We all should reach up or reach out when things get dark and difficult.



10 thoughts on “My New Motto

  1. Wise words Flower, sending thoughts to your Dad. And yes these dark winter days a cycle we each have within our seasons as well as through the seasons of our lives, teach us to keep reaching out to the light.
    January which often seems my own darkest month now flown from the calendar.
    I too have kept busy with reading and my painting.
    Sending love πŸ’•πŸ™

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Sad that your Dad can’t get better and resume his life. It is hard for any active person to be ill. I like your picture. Daffodils are trying to bloom in my yard, but Winter will zap them soon. They never give up – they just keep trying to make Spring happen.

    Liked by 1 person

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