Climbing Okra in August

I searched for my old “Climbing okra” seeds to grow some again for one of my readers.

It has many other names such as Chinese okra, Egyptian cucumber and Vietnamese luffa.

Its scientific name is Luffa acutangula.

Yesterday evening, I noticed the blooms.

They do almost glow in the dark.

Bumble bees were busy zooming from bloom to bloom.

They were moving so fast that I could barely get a photo.

There are some tiny fruits, too.

I need to wait outside at dusk and see if the moths come like last time.

Thank you, Curtis Wilkinson,  for prompting me to grow these again.

I am not sure how long these old seeds would have stayed viable.

I mailed out some seeds to other readers. I hope that yours have grown as well.

Hopefully these little okra/luffas will produce some more seeds for me.

Luffa acutangula, climbing okra fruit


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