Spider-to-Fly Will Stay Put

I planted this beauty in a hurry. I did not have time to pick the right spot. It had been out of the ground too long and was a shriveled, brown clump.

I dug a hole by the steps where I could easily watch it and keep it watered. It was a gift from Rumple-Rowe, so I did not know it was a giant. My only thought was to revive it.

Now it is thriving. Spider-to-Fly is a gorgeous, happy giant. It is so close to the steps that I must trim its leaves to prevent tripping. When I walk past it my mind says “Move it!”.


I woke up sad this morning. As I walked through the foyer and peeked out the door there was a giant daylily full of happy faces looking back at me, bright and big and beautiful.

Spider- to-Fly must stay where it is. I will trim it. I will put in railing on those steps.

It must be close to me so it can help me revive and thrive. That is the power of flowers.


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