Sitting for my Lessons…Again

I have been here a couple of times before. Being inert and immobile is humbling.

My school room is my garden and there are many places for me to sit and learn.

I move from station to station like they are learning centers in kindergarten. I am learning different lessons from different places in my garden.

I have one chair where I sit and let my thoughts wind down until there is nothing left but my breathing and the bird calls. This could be called meditation or vegetation. Either way I do nothing.

I pout in my glider. I cry and wipe my red nose as I comfort myself with the methodical movements. If there is a fire in the sugar kettle, I throw things in and watch them burn.

My perch chair gives me a long view of the garden. Here I sit with pen and paper and make lists of tasks to be done and needed supplies to be ordered.

The butterfly chair is also the Japanese beetle chair right now. This one is used on cold mornings because it gets warmed by the morning sun. In the evening I sit in its western shade.

My garden chair is what I collapse into between bouts of weeding, watering and harvesting. It has two giant zucchini in it right now. Those sneaky zucchini! Morphing to giants the minute my back is turned.

The chair by the front door is where I sit when it rains or snows. I have trouble staying indoors despite the weather. This chair also gets packages from Santazon. I sit in this seat the most . It is my ESCAPE chair.

My high chair is where I drink sangria or wine on ice, regardless of its color. Sometimes I add some fruit and eat it last with my fingers. I do this after I have finished all my chores and have prepared the evening meal. I sit high up and sip to reward my self with moments of watching the water move.

I am learning as I sip and sit. These lessons are so much better for me than flitting around like a gnat on caffeine. I know it is time to slow down. Fast and furious no longer works for me.


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