Lucifer is a Favorite

I look forward to these fire-engine-red blooms every June.

Everything about this plant is beautiful, its straight bright green leaves, its yellow and red buds and its red blooms opening in a triangular pattern.

This Crocosmia/ Montbretia/Lucifer is scattered throughout my gardens.

The deer ignore every part of this plant. Oh, happy day! This is the easiest plant in my yard. It may need support as the blooms get heavy.

Montbretia ‘Lucifer’ /Crocosmia

No matter what is blooming around it, Lucifer steals the attention.


6 thoughts on “Lucifer is a Favorite

  1. Hummingbirds love them too, and in my part of the world, so do deer. Ours are black-tailed deer; maybe they have different tastes. Or it could be just the two that hang around here. (I know they’re the same deer because they have distinctive ear tags as a result of an experimental program with contraceptives.)

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