Just Outside My Door

Every step is painful, but I had to visit the new blooms I saw from the window.
I have lost track of some names in this part of the garden.

No name daylily?
Crimson Shadows daylily

Since I am in no shape to bend down and dig for a marker, we must enjoy some of the faces without the names.

Nowhere to Hide daylily
No Name Spiderlily?
No name giant yellow daylily?

This last photo is of a solar powered fountain that my sister gave me. It is my new toy. The height of the spray depends on the brightness of the sunshine. When a cloud passes over, it spits little spurts of water. I sit in one of my chairs to watch… Old lady entertainment!


11 thoughts on “Just Outside My Door

    1. I had two friends with daylily farms and Daniel Stowe Botanical Garden had a sale.
      I saw three deer standing in the neighbor’s yard waiting for us to cut the lights off so they could come and munch on some.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I quietly sat outside today thinking about all the plants I brought here that do not belong here. Wondering if I should just remove all non-natives from my yard and let them eat the rest.
        I wonder if anything they eat from my gardens harms them.
        That Repels All seems to work…along with fences and flashing lights. I feel like I live on a beautiful battlefield.
        How much longer can I do this?

        Liked by 1 person

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