Iris, Old and New

April is the month of the bearded iris here in North Carolina.

I have one old type from my daddy’s mother’s garden.


I moved many iris onto this bank last summer.  They have never been happier.


The rest of my iris are hybrids.

They came from Cooley’s in Oregon over twenty years ago.

Taco Supreme
Banana Frappe’
Thunder Echo
Persian Berry
I got this from my daddy.   Hmmmm?  Depth of Field?


This is just the first wave of iris.  There will be more in the coming weeks.

The next parade will be the peonies.  Here is the first bloom.

Ants love the sap on the peony buds.

Ahhhhh spring at last!


9 thoughts on “Iris, Old and New

  1. I love bearded iris! In our previou shome they grew lush and happy and I too got mine from Oregon from Schrienders I think. I moved a bunch of iris into our new home garden but I dont know why they dont bloom as prolific here like they did in our old home, despite that our old home had wet soggy clay soil. Pictures look lovely!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. You have some gorgeous Irises! I love them all. They are just beginning to flower here too, so the next few weeks will see many of them in my posts. You’re lucky to know the names of so many of yours; many of mine are from friends who have made names up if they didn’t know them and for years I thought they were the correct names!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I love that they made up names. I save plant tags in files. I have spent hours today trying to find my peony names. I guess I will have to go out in the rain and pull up their names on plastic knives or chopsticks. If you want to go crazy, I’ll drive.


  3. I think Ship-shape is my favourite. My aunt’s name was Iris. She lived in Seattle and made beautiful silver jewellery. She used the iris as her logo so I always think of her when they’re in bloom.

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